Coldwater Machine Company Ohio USA - Manufacturers Consultants Suppliers

Coldwater Machine Company

Coldwater Ohio USA

Coldwater Machine Company is located at Coldwater OH in Ohio, USA . They are Consultants, Manufacturers, Research and Development, Suppliers etc. of various Machines. Their main business region is USA . The machines they are supplying mainly used for Aerospace Industry, Automotive industry, Energy industry, Home appliance industry, Manufacturing industry etc. They are achieved ISO certificates. Coldwater Machine Company established in the year 1954.

Coldwater Machine Company
911 North Second Street
Coldwater, Ohio 45828

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Business Regions USA

Machines Supplying / Manufacturing

Machine's Overview

Turnkey automated systems : Coldwater Machine is the leading automation supplier in North America for turnkey automated systems for the appliance and HVAC industry. Coldwater Machine will work with your manufacturing team to tailor solutions that can improve your quality, cycle times and OEE for a wide variety of appliance products. Turnkey Cabinet Manufacturing Solutions : Coldwater provides solutions for manufacturing a wide range of metal cabinets that include total solutions from metal blanks to finished cabinets including operations like stamping, trimming, forming, embossing, piercing, welding, wrapping, bending and hemming. Automated Sub-Assembly Systems for Body Structures : Coldwater provides the design and build of modular cells or turnkey automated welding and joining systems that are used in vehicle body-in-white assembly by Tier suppliers for both steel and aluminum structures. Typical applications include assembly and sub-assembly lines for closures, such as tailgates, doors, hoods, wheelhouses, roofs and structural components such as pillars, cross and front beams, reinforcements, and more. For more products and details, please contact the company directly

Industrial Usage




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