Package Machinery Company Holyoke Massachusetts USA - Manufacturers Suppliers Wholesalers

Package Machinery Company

Holyoke Massachusetts USA

Package Machinery Company is located at Holyoke MA in Massachusetts, USA . They are Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesalers etc. of various Machines. Their main business region is USA . The machines they are supplying mainly used for Cosmetic packaging industry, Food packaging industry, Packaging industry, Personal care products packaging industries, Pharmaceutical packaging industry etc. The main brands of the company are FA-ST, Wrapster etc.

Package Machinery Company
80 Commercial St,
Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040

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Business Regions USA

Machines Supplying / Manufacturing

Machine's Overview

FA-ST Servo Overwrapping Machine : The FA-ST servo overwrapping machine is the Global Technology leader in overwrapping machinery. It is demonstrably flexible and faster than any tuck and fold wrapper on the market today.The FA-ST Overwrapping Machine Will Wrap Trays, cartons, and bundles. The FA-ST is offered in versions ranging for three to eight servo axes depending on the needs of the product and the process. ILW Servo Bundle Wrapping Machine : Bundle wrapping with the ILW bundle wrapping machine can lower your packaging costs. Bundle wrappers can be used to replace corrugated or chipboard boxes as well as provide basic protective packaging to larger individual products. The ILW inline overwrapper is the latest addition to the PACKAGE line of easy to use, easy to changeover overwrapping machines. TFW Flow Wrapping Machinery : Whether the product is round, has height variations or simply needs complete moisture or air protection, a flow wrapping machine from Package Machinery is an efficient alternative to more expensive machinery. Unlike products for overwrapping, products for flow wrapping do not need to have a flat bottom, flat sides or a minimum height to be wrapped. They can have greater variation in dimensions without seriously impacting the quality and look of the wrap. This makes it exceptionally well-suited to baked goods or candy, where some dimensional variation should be expected. Table Top Diefold Entry Level Wrapper : For small items and individual wrapping for candies and other small items, the TTDF is an entry level wrapper that offers a simple, easy to use, inexpensive wrapping process. The TTDF offers opportunities to replace hand-wrapping of baked goods, candy bars and other low volume products for growing businesses. Wrapster Semi-Auto Wrapping Machine : The Wrapster is a low cost, yet, reliable wrapping machine that will help packagers differentiate themselves from their competition by offering upscale, exciting wraps. The Wrapster is an innovative wrapping solution for smaller lot sizes, regardless of the package size. For more products and details, please contact the company directly

Machine Brands

Industrial Usage


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