U.S. Ice Machine Manufacturing Company Miami Florida USA - Manufacturers Suppliers Wholesalers

U.S. Ice Machine Manufacturing Company

Miami Florida USA

U.S. Ice Machine Manufacturing Company is located at Miami in Florida, USA . They are Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesalers etc. of various Machines. Their main business region is USA . The machines they are supplying mainly used for Baking industry, Beverage industries, Fishing industry, Food processing industry, Meat industry, Poultry industry, Vegetable processing industry etc. The company established in the year 1967.

U.S. Ice Machine Manufacturing Company
650 NW 123 Street #2608
North Miami, Florida 33168-0000

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Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesalers   Business Regions USA

Machines Supplying / Manufacturing

Block ice machine, Cracked ice machine, Cube ice machine, Flake ice machine, Ice packing machine, Marine ice machine, Tube ice machine

Machine's Overview

Cracked Ice Machine : Manufacturers of cracked ice machines is the culmintaion of many years of experience and know-how. This has resulted in the production of one of the most reliable icemakers on the market today, which is top of the line, state of the art, and highly efficient in energy and water consumption. Ice Cracked Machine - US0250CR : All machines are completely constructed of heavy-duty 304 stainless steel, except for the compressors, motors, pumps, etc. Our super-hard cracked ice machine is an industrial machine in a class by itself. Manufacture all sizes of salt water ice machines for both land-based and marine-based applications. Utilizes ozone in combination with ultraviolet light to create an advanced oxidation reaction. This reaction process uses powerful oxidizers to kill bacteria and mold in water that is used in ice production. The oxidizers created in this process include: hydroxyl radicals, superoxide ions, hydroperoxides and ozone. Cube Ice Machine : Cube ice machines produce either full or half size ice cubes, also known as full dice or half dice cubes. Full cube ice melts slowly and cools drinks quickly because of its large surface area. It is the perfect for hotels and is the traditional bar or rocks ice, giving whiskey, scotch and cocktails visual appeal without watering them down too quickly. Half cube ice, on the other hand, packs more tightly into glasses, leaving less room for liquid, which will help increase your beverage profits. Both ice styles are versatile enough to be applied to the ice needs of restaurants, bars, hotels and hospitals. Tube Ice Machines : Developed this ice machine to meet the needs of high volume users such as casinos, airlines, cruise-lines, packaged ice, and large nigthclubs. The Tube Ice Machines have been developed to last between 30 to 40 years, as they are completely 304 Stainless steel. Our ice plants were dveloped for different needs, from 1,000 lbs. to 12,000lbs /24 hours. Block Ice Machine : Ice Block Machines produce ice from fresh water in stainless steel containers which are immersed in refrigerated brine. After approximately twelve hours ice is ready for harvesting. All U.S. Ice Machines are manufactured as self-contained one-piece units with brine tank and refrigerating unit mounted on a common frame. Ice production capacities range 56 (20lbs) blocks per 24 hours. Flake Ice Machine : Flake Ice Machines are recommended for Meat displays, Seafood displays, Produce displays, Blended cocktails, Salad bars, Therapeutic uses in health care facilities. Flake ice is comprised of small, hard bits of ice. These dry flakes cool more quickly than other forms of ice. This cooling power is combined with very low production costs. For more products and details, please contact the company directly

Industrial Usage

Baking industry, Beverage industries, Fishing industry, Food processing industry, Meat industry, Poultry industry, Vegetable processing industry

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