RG Luma Automation Worcester England United Kingdom UK

RG Luma Automation

Worcester England United Kingdom UK

RG Luma Automation is located at Worcester in England, United Kingdom UK . They are Machine as Service Providers, Machine tool rebuilds, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Traders etc. of various Machines. Their main business region is United Kingdom UK . The machines they are supplying mainly used for Automotive industry, Defence, Electronics Industry, Food and Beverage Industry, Food Production Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Plastics Industry etc. The company established in the year 1994.

RG Luma Automation
Unit 87,
Blackpole Trading Estate West,

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For over 30 years we have been supplying industrial automation to a variety of industries. Our expert in house team deliver concepts that produce solutions to our customers` production problems. Special Purpose Machines Industrial Robotics Control Systems Complete Production Lines


Business Regions United Kingdom UK

Machines Supplying / Manufacturing

Industrial Usage

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