WEG Electric Machinery Company Minneapolis Minnesota USA - Manufacturers Suppliers Consultants Distributors

WEG Electric Machinery Company (WEM)

Minneapolis Minnesota USA

WEG Electric Machinery Company (WEM) is located at Minneapolis in Minnesota, USA . They are Consultants, Distributors, Manufacturers, Research and Development, Suppliers, Wholesalers etc. of various Machines. Their main business region is USA . The machines they are supplying mainly used for Energy industry, General industry, Metal and mining industry, Mining industry, Nuclear industry, Oil and gas industry, Petroleum industry, Power generation industry, Pulp and paper industry etc. The main brands of the company are Ampli-Speed, Duraguard . They are achieved ISO certificates. WEG Electric Machinery Company (WEM) established in the year 1891.

Electric Machinery Company LLC.
800 Central Avenue NE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413

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Consultants, Distributors, Manufacturers, Research and Development, Suppliers, Wholesalers   Business Regions USA

Machines Supplying / Manufacturing

Brushless excitation system, Brushless exciter, Induction Motor, Magnetic Drive, Motor, Synchronous Generator, Synchronous motor, Turbo Generator

Machine's Overview

Synchronous Motors : WEM synchronous motors provide customers a superior value in terms of quality, proven reliability, low maintenance performance and long life in critical services. WEM synchronous motors offer customers many advantages including High efficiency ratings, Low inrush currents, Plant power factor correction, Constant speed with varying load, Ease of alignment (larger air gap) etc. Induction Motors : WEM squirrel cage induction motors provide customers a superior value in terms of quality, proven reliability, low maintenance performance and long life in critical services. WEM induction motors offer customers many advantages including Simple & rugged design, Low cost, No excitation control is required, Higher starting torque capability, Minimal maintenance etc. Synchronous Generators : WEM synchronous generators provide reliable and high quality power. They are designed to be driven by reciprocating engines, steam and gas turbines, hydro turbines, or various gas expanders. WEM synchronous generators offer customers many advantages including Brushless excitation, WEM Duraguard™ class F VPI insulation, Low vibration levels, Flexibility of application, Bracket (end shield), pedestal, or vertical configurations etc. Turbo Generators : WEM two-pole turbo generators provide high quality and reliability along with low maintenance and long life. They are designed to be used with a wide variety of steam and gas turbine drives. WEM two-pole turbo generators offer customers many advantages including Brushless excitation, WEM Duraguard™ class F VPI insulation, Low vibration levels, Flexibility of application, Bracket (end shield) bearing construction etc. Ampli-Speed™ Magnetic Drive : The Ampli-Speed™ Magnetic Drive is a magnetic clutch which provides precise, wide-range variable speed control. Brushless Exciters : WEG Electric Machinery’s (WEM) brushless excitation system consists of a high frequency AC generator (armature & field) and rotating rectifier bridge. WEM’s brushless excitation system provides high reliability through elimination of brushes, collector rings and carbon dust, which in turn greatly reduces inspection and maintenance costs. For more products and details, please contact the company directly


Ampli-Speed, Duraguard

Industrial Usage

Energy industry, General industry, Metal and mining industry, Mining industry, Nuclear industry, Oil and gas industry, Petroleum industry, Power generation industry, Pulp and paper industry




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