Huoshi Machinery Cangzhou Hebei China - Manufacturers Suppliers Traders

Huoshi Machinery

Cangzhou Hebei China

Huoshi Machinery is located at Cangzhou in China, Hebei . They are Manufacturers, Suppliers, Traders etc. of various Machines. Their main business region is China . The machines they are supplying mainly used for Food processing industry . The company established in the year 2019.

Huoshi Machinery
Industral Park,
Machang Town Qingxian County,
Cangzhou, Heibei Province China

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Phone Numbers
+8613901171712 +8613313173675

Company Message

Do you engage in roasting of nuts? Are you seeking excellent processing equipment? We are a roaster manufacturer founded 40 years ago and we provide roasting (frying) equipment for nuts and seeds We engage in R&D and manufacture of hot processing equipment for nuts and seeds. With mature technology and rich experience, we can provide the most professional equipment and service and we provide processing service to users from dozens of countries. In accordance with the spirit of craftsmanship and (continuous) innovation, we provide users with high-quality product and service.


Business Regions China

Machines Supplying / Manufacturing

Machine's Overview

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